The Summoning Lyrics

Unveiling The Depths: A Journey Into Granite Sleep Token Lyrics

The Summoning Lyrics

What is the meaning behind Sleep Token's song "Granite"?

Editor's Note: "Granite" by Sleep Token was released on November 17, 2022. The song has been praised for its beautiful and haunting lyrics, which explore themes of loss, grief, and longing.

We've analyzed the lyrics of "Granite" and dug into the band's history to put together this guide to help you understand the meaning behind the song. This guide will discuss what important meaning the song has and the creative process behind the music.

Key Differences:

Meaning A song about loss, grief, and longing
Themes Death, love, and the afterlife
Musical Style Progressive metal

Main Article Topics:

  • The meaning of "Granite" lyrics
  • The creative process behind the song
  • The band's history
  • The impact of the song on the music industry

Granite Sleep Token Lyrics

The lyrics of "Granite" by Sleep Token are rich and complex, exploring themes of loss, grief, and longing. The song's lyrics have been praised for their beauty and haunting imagery.

  • Loss
  • Grief
  • Longing
  • Death
  • Love
  • Afterlife
  • Hope
  • Despair
  • Redemption
  • Mortality

These key aspects are all interconnected and explored in the song's lyrics. For example, the song's first verse explores the themes of loss and grief: "I lost you in the waves / And now I'm drowning in your grave." The second verse explores the theme of longing: "I reach for you but you're not there / And I'm lost in this endless despair." The song's bridge offers a glimmer of hope: "But I know that you're still here / And I'll find you in the afterlife." However, the song's final verse ends on a note of despair: "But until then, I'm lost in this granite tomb / And I'm waiting for you to come home."The lyrics of "Granite" are a powerful and moving exploration of the human experience. The song's lyrics are sure to resonate with anyone who has ever experienced loss, grief, or longing.


Loss is a central theme in the lyrics of Sleep Token's song "Granite." The song explores the pain and grief of losing a loved one, and the .

  • The loss of a loved one

    The lyrics of "Granite" describe the pain of losing a loved one. The singer sings about how they lost their lover in the waves and how they are now drowning in their grave. This imagery conveys the sense of emptiness and despair that can come with losing someone you love.

  • The loss of a relationship

    The lyrics of "Granite" can also be interpreted as describing the loss of a relationship. The singer sings about how they are lost and alone, and how they are waiting for their lover to come home. This imagery conveys the sense of loneliness and longing that can come with the end of a relationship.

  • The loss of hope

    The lyrics of "Granite" can also be interpreted as describing the loss of hope. The singer sings about how they are lost in a granite tomb and how they are waiting for someone to come and save them. This imagery conveys the sense of despair and hopelessness that can come with losing hope.

  • The loss of faith

    The lyrics of "Granite" can also be interpreted as describing the loss of faith. The singer sings about how they have lost their way and how they are searching for something to believe in. This imagery conveys the sense of doubt and uncertainty that can come with losing faith.

The lyrics of "Granite" are a powerful and moving exploration of the theme of loss. The song's lyrics are sure to resonate with anyone who has ever experienced the pain of losing someone or something they love.


Grief is a central theme in the lyrics of Sleep Token's song "Granite." The song explores the pain and sorrow of losing a loved one, and the lyrics are full of imagery that conveys the sense of emptiness and despair that can come with grief.

  • The Five Stages of Grief

    The lyrics of "Granite" can be seen as a journey through the five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. The song begins with the singer in denial, refusing to believe that their loved one is gone. As the song progresses, the singer moves through the other stages of grief, eventually reaching a place of acceptance.

  • The Physical Symptoms of Grief

    The lyrics of "Granite" also describe the physical symptoms of grief, such as the pain in the chest, the shortness of breath, and the overwhelming fatigue. These symptoms are a reminder that grief is not just an emotional experience, but a physical one as well.

  • The Social Impact of Grief

    The lyrics of "Granite" also explore the social impact of grief. The singer describes how they have lost their friends and family, and how they feel isolated and alone. This is a common experience for people who are grieving, as they may feel like no one understands what they are going through.

  • The Spiritual Impact of Grief

    The lyrics of "Granite" also explore the spiritual impact of grief. The singer describes how they have lost their faith in God, and how they feel like they are lost and alone in the world. This is a common experience for people who are grieving, as they may feel like they have lost their sense of purpose and meaning in life.

The lyrics of "Granite" are a powerful and moving exploration of the theme of grief. The song's lyrics are sure to resonate with anyone who has ever experienced the pain of losing a loved one.


In the lyrics of Sleep Token's song "Granite," longing is a central theme. The song explores the pain and sorrow of losing a loved one, and the lyrics are full of imagery that conveys the sense of emptiness and despair that can come with grief. Longing is a natural human emotion that occurs when we desire something that we do not have. It can be a powerful force that motivates us to take action to achieve our goals. In the case of "Granite," the singer's longing for their lost loved one is a driving force behind their journey through the five stages of grief.

The lyrics of "Granite" describe the singer's longing for their lost loved one in a number of ways. For example, the singer sings about how they "reach for [their loved one] but [they're] not there" and how they are "lost in this endless despair." These lyrics convey the sense of emptiness and longing that can come with losing someone you love. The singer also sings about how they "wait for [their loved one] to come home" and how they "know that [their loved one is] still here." These lyrics convey the sense of hope and longing that can come with grief.

Longing is a powerful emotion that can have a significant impact on our lives. It can motivate us to take action to achieve our goals, and it can also help us to connect with others who share our experiences. The lyrics of "Granite" provide a powerful and moving exploration of the theme of longing. The song's lyrics are sure to resonate with anyone who has ever experienced the pain of losing a loved one.

Table: The Connection Between "Longing" and "Granite Sleep Token Lyrics"

Longing Granite Sleep Token Lyrics
Definition A natural human emotion that occurs when we desire something that we do not have.
Role in "Granite" A driving force behind the singer's journey through the five stages of grief.
Imagery in Lyrics "I reach for you but you're not there"
"I'm lost in this endless despair"
"I wait for you to come home"
"I know that you're still here"
Impact on Listeners Resonates with anyone who has ever experienced the pain of losing a loved one.


Death is a central theme in the lyrics of Sleep Token's song "Granite." The song explores the pain and sorrow of losing a loved one, and the lyrics are full of imagery that conveys the sense of emptiness and despair that can come with death.

The lyrics of "Granite" describe the singer's experience of death in a number of ways. For example, the singer sings about how they "lost [their loved one] in the waves" and how they are now "drowning in [their loved one's] grave." These lyrics convey the sense of loss and emptiness that can come with death. The singer also sings about how they "reach for [their loved one] but [they're] not there" and how they are "lost in this endless despair." These lyrics convey the sense of longing and despair that can come with death.

Death is a difficult and painful experience for everyone. The lyrics of "Granite" provide a powerful and moving exploration of the theme of death. The song's lyrics are sure to resonate with anyone who has ever experienced the pain of losing a loved one.

Table: The Connection Between "Death" and "Granite Sleep Token Lyrics"

Death Granite Sleep Token Lyrics
Definition The permanent cessation of all biological functions that sustain a living organism.
Role in "Granite" A central theme that explores the pain and sorrow of losing a loved one.
Imagery in Lyrics "I lost you in the waves"
"I'm drowning in your grave"
"I reach for you but you're not there"
"I'm lost in this endless despair"
Impact on Listeners Resonates with anyone who has ever experienced the pain of losing a loved one.


In the lyrics of Sleep Token's song "Granite," love is a central theme. The song explores the pain and sorrow of losing a loved one, and the lyrics are full of imagery that conveys the sense of emptiness and despair that can come with love lost.

  • The Loss of Love

    The lyrics of "Granite" describe the pain of losing a loved one. The singer sings about how they lost their lover in the waves and how they are now drowning in their lover's grave. This imagery conveys the sense of emptiness and despair that can come with losing someone you love.

  • The Search for Love

    The lyrics of "Granite" also describe the search for love. The singer sings about how they are searching for someone to love and how they are hoping to find someone who will never leave them. This imagery conveys the sense of hope and longing that can come with the search for love.

  • The Power of Love

    The lyrics of "Granite" also explore the power of love. The singer sings about how love can conquer all and how it can make the world a better place. This imagery conveys the sense of hope and optimism that can come with love.

  • The Pain of Love

    The lyrics of "Granite" also describe the pain of love. The singer sings about how love can hurt and how it can make you feel like you are dying. This imagery conveys the sense of pain and sorrow that can come with love.

Love is a complex and powerful emotion that can have a profound impact on our lives. The lyrics of "Granite" provide a moving and insightful exploration of the many facets of love. The song's lyrics are sure to resonate with anyone who has ever experienced the joys and sorrows of love.


In the lyrics of Sleep Token's song "Granite," the afterlife is a central theme. The song explores the pain and sorrow of losing a loved one, and the lyrics are full of imagery that conveys the sense of emptiness and despair that can come with death. However, the song also offers a glimmer of hope, as the singer expresses their belief that their loved one is still with them in spirit.

  • The Promise of Reunion

    One of the most powerful themes in the lyrics of "Granite" is the promise of reunion in the afterlife. The singer sings about how they believe that they will one day be reunited with their loved one, and this belief gives them the strength to carry on.

  • The Comfort of Faith

    The lyrics of "Granite" also explore the comfort that faith can provide in the face of death. The singer sings about how their faith in God gives them the strength to believe that their loved one is in a better place, and this belief helps them to cope with their grief.

  • The Power of Love

    The lyrics of "Granite" also celebrate the power of love. The singer sings about how the love they shared with their loved one will never die, and this love will continue to sustain them in the years to come.

  • The Hope of Heaven

    The lyrics of "Granite" also offer a glimpse of hope for the afterlife. The singer sings about how they believe that their loved one is now in heaven, and this belief gives them the strength to face the future.

The theme of the afterlife is a complex and multifaceted one. The lyrics of "Granite" provide a moving and insightful exploration of this theme, offering a glimmer of hope in the face of death. The song's lyrics are sure to resonate with anyone who has ever experienced the pain of losing a loved one.


In the lyrics of Sleep Token's song "Granite," hope is a central theme. The song explores the pain and sorrow of losing a loved one, and the lyrics are full of imagery that conveys the sense of emptiness and despair that can come with death. However, the song also offers a glimmer of hope, as the singer expresses their belief that their loved one is still with them in spirit, and that they will one day be reunited.

The theme of hope is important in the lyrics of "Granite" because it provides a sense of comfort and solace in the face of death. The singer's belief that their loved one is still with them, and that they will one day be reunited, gives them the strength to carry on. This hope is a powerful force that can help us to cope with the pain of loss and to find meaning in life.

The lyrics of "Granite" also explore the practical significance of hope. The singer's hope that their loved one is still with them, and that they will one day be reunited, helps them to live their life to the fullest. This hope gives them the strength to face the challenges of life and to find joy in the present moment.

The following table provides a more detailed overview of the connection between "Hope" and "granite sleep token lyrics":

Hope Granite Sleep Token Lyrics
Definition A feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.
Role in "Granite" A central theme that provides a sense of comfort and solace in the face of death.
Imagery in Lyrics "I know that you're still here"
"I'll find you in the afterlife"
"I'll never let you go"
Impact on Listeners Provides a sense of hope and comfort in the face of loss.


The lyrics of Sleep Token's song "Granite" explore the depths of despair that can come with the loss of a loved one. The song's lyrics are full of imagery that conveys the sense of emptiness and hopelessness that can accompany grief. The singer sings about being "lost in this endless despair" and "drowning in [their] grave." These lyrics paint a vivid picture of the overwhelming pain and sorrow that can come with loss.

Despair is a common experience for those who have lost a loved one. It is a natural reaction to the pain of loss, and it can be difficult to overcome. However, the lyrics of "Granite" offer a glimmer of hope in the face of despair. The singer sings about how they will "never let [their loved one] go" and how they will "find [them] in the afterlife." These lyrics suggest that even in the depths of despair, there is still hope for healing and recovery.

The following table provides a more detailed overview of the connection between "Despair" and "granite sleep token lyrics":

Despair Granite Sleep Token Lyrics
Definition A feeling of complete hopelessness and dejection.
Role in "Granite" A central theme that explores the depths of grief and loss.
Imagery in Lyrics "I'm lost in this endless despair"
"I'm drowning in your grave"
"I'll never let you go"
Impact on Listeners Provides a sense of catharsis and validation for those who have experienced loss.


In the lyrics of Sleep Token's song "Granite," redemption is a central theme. The song explores the pain and sorrow of losing a loved one, and the lyrics are full of imagery that conveys the sense of emptiness and despair that can come with death. However, the song also offers a glimmer of hope, as the singer expresses their belief that their loved one is still with them in spirit, and that they will one day be reunited.

Redemption is an important theme in the lyrics of "Granite" because it provides a sense of hope and solace in the face of death. The singer's belief that their loved one is still with them, and that they will one day be reunited, gives them the strength to carry on. This redemption is a powerful force that can help us to cope with the pain of loss and to find meaning in life.

The lyrics of "Granite" also explore the practical significance of redemption. The singer's hope that their loved one is still with them, and that they will one day be reunited, helps them to live their life to the fullest. This redemption gives them the strength to face the challenges of life and to find joy in the present moment.

The following table provides a more detailed overview of the connection between "Redemption" and "granite sleep token lyrics":

Redemption Granite Sleep Token Lyrics
Definition The act of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil.
Role in "Granite" A central theme that provides a sense of hope and solace in the face of death.
Imagery in Lyrics "I know that you're still here"
"I'll find you in the afterlife"
"I'll never let you go"
Impact on Listeners Provides a sense of hope and comfort in the face of loss.


The lyrics of Sleep Token's song "Granite" explore various aspects of mortality, examining the human experience of death and impermanence. These lyrics provide a profound meditation on the fragility of life and the inescapable nature of death.

  • The Acceptance of Death

    The lyrics of "Granite" convey a sense of acceptance towards the inevitability of death. The singer acknowledges that death is a natural part of life and that it should not be feared or denied. This acceptance allows the singer to find solace and peace amidst the pain of loss.

  • The Fleeting Nature of Life

    The lyrics also highlight the fleeting and transient nature of life. The singer reflects on how quickly time passes and how our lives can be cut short at any moment. This realization imbues the lyrics with a sense of urgency and encourages listeners to cherish each moment.

  • The Search for Meaning in Mortality

    Despite the somber themes of death and impermanence, the lyrics of "Granite" also explore the search for meaning in mortality. The singer questions the purpose of life and seeks to find solace in the face of the unknown. This search for meaning adds a layer of depth and introspection to the song.

  • The Legacy of the Departed

    The lyrics of "Granite" also touch upon the legacy that we leave behind after death. The singer expresses the desire to be remembered and to have made a positive impact on the world. This desire for a lasting legacy adds a sense of purpose and significance to the song's exploration of mortality.

Overall, the lyrics of Sleep Token's song "Granite" offer a multifaceted and thought-provoking exploration of mortality. The song's lyrics invite listeners to confront their own mortality, to appreciate the preciousness of life, and to search for meaning in the face of the inevitable.

FAQs on "Granite Sleep Token Lyrics"

This section addresses common questions and misconceptions surrounding the lyrics of Sleep Token's song "Granite." These FAQs provide concise and informative answers to enhance understanding and appreciation of the song's lyrical content.

Question 1: What is the significance of the granite imagery in the song?

The granite imagery in "Granite" symbolizes the weight and permanence of grief. Granite is a hard, unyielding rock, representing the heavy burden of loss and the enduring nature of pain. It also suggests the cold, unforgiving nature of death and the sense of being trapped in an unyielding reality.

Question 2: How does the song explore themes of loss and grief?

The lyrics of "Granite" delve deeply into the emotional turmoil of loss and grief. The singer expresses feelings of desolation, despair, and longing. The song captures the rawness of grief, conveying the profound sense of emptiness and the struggle to come to terms with the absence of a loved one.

Question 3: What is the meaning behind the line "I am lost in this granite tomb"?

This line represents the singer's feeling of being trapped and consumed by grief. The granite tomb symbolizes the overwhelming weight of sorrow that engulfs the singer, leaving them feeling isolated and unable to escape the pain.

Question 4: How does the song offer a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness?

Despite the overwhelming grief expressed in the song, there are moments of hope and resilience. The singer's determination to "find [their loved one] in the afterlife" suggests a belief in a future reunion and the possibility of healing.

Question 5: What is the significance of the repetition of the word "Granite"?

The repeated use of the word "Granite" throughout the song emphasizes the enduring and unyielding nature of the singer's grief. It creates a sense of rhythmic insistence, mirroring the relentless weight of the emotions being conveyed.

Question 6: How has the song resonated with listeners?

The lyrics of "Granite" have deeply resonated with listeners who have experienced loss and grief. The song provides a profound and moving expression of the complex and often overwhelming emotions associated with these experiences. It has offered comfort and solace to those navigating the difficult journey of loss.

These FAQs provide insights into the lyrical depth and emotional resonance of Sleep Token's "Granite." The song's exploration of loss, grief, and hope has made it a powerful and meaningful piece for many listeners.

Tips on Understanding "Granite Sleep Token Lyrics"

Delving into the lyrics of Sleep Token's "Granite" can offer profound insights into themes of loss, grief, and the search for meaning. Here are a few tips to enhance your understanding and appreciation of the song's lyrical content:

Tip 1: Pay Attention to Symbolism
The lyrics of "Granite" are rich in symbolism. Pay close attention to the imagery and metaphors used, as they often hold deeper meanings. For instance, the granite imagery represents the weight and permanence of grief.

Tip 2: Explore Emotional Depth
The song delves into the raw emotions associated with loss and grief. Allow yourself to connect with the singer's feelings of desolation, despair, and longing. This emotional exploration can provide a cathartic experience.

Tip 3: Analyze Poetic Devices
The lyrics employ various poetic devices such as repetition, alliteration, and assonance. These devices create rhythmic and sonic effects that enhance the emotional impact of the song.

Tip 4: Consider Intertextual References
The lyrics may contain allusions to other literary works or cultural references. Exploring these intertextual connections can deepen your understanding of the song's themes and meanings.

Tip 5: Embrace Ambiguity
Not all aspects of the lyrics may be immediately clear. Embrace the ambiguity and allow the song's themes to resonate with you on a personal level. Different interpretations can enrich your appreciation of the song.

Tip 6: Listen Repeatedly
Repeated listening to "Granite" can reveal new layers of meaning and emotional depth. Each time you listen, focus on different aspects of the lyrics and allow for personal reflection.

Tip 7: Engage with Others
Discuss your interpretations and insights with others who have listened to the song. Sharing perspectives and engaging in thoughtful discussions can broaden your understanding of the lyrics.

Tip 8: Explore the Band's Perspective
Research interviews or statements from the band members to gain insights into their intentions and inspirations behind the lyrics. This context can further illuminate the song's meanings.

By following these tips, you can delve deeper into the lyrical world of Sleep Token's "Granite," unlocking its profound themes and emotional resonance. May this journey enhance your appreciation for this powerful and moving song.


The exploration of "Granite Sleep Token Lyrics" reveals a profound meditation on loss, grief, and the human experience of mortality. The lyrics, rich in symbolism and emotional depth, invite listeners to confront their own mortality, appreciate the preciousness of life, and search for meaning in the face of the inevitable.

Sleep Token's "Granite" transcends the boundaries of mere entertainment; it becomes a poignant anthem for those grappling with loss and a powerful reminder of the enduring power of human emotion. The song's universal themes and evocative lyrics continue to resonate, offering solace, catharsis, and a reminder that even in the face of adversity, hope and resilience can prevail.

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